SPA 23 S Bertone
Giovanni Bertone made his debut in the world of the automobile in 1921 by creating a body for a four-seater tourer of distinctly sporting character for an SPA 23S chassis.
Vehicle Overview
The SPA 23 model, introduced in 1920, was an innovative vehicle that showcased both technical and aesthetic advancements for its time. Powered by a four-cylinder mono-block engine with a displacement of 2724 cc and an output of 40 hp, the SPA 23 was a notable presence in the automotive market. Produced until 1925, it offered both performance and style, catering to a growing demand for refined vehicles. One of the most striking features of this specimen was its design, which reflected the cutting-edge trends of the era. Bertone, renowned for its craftsmanship, adopted a wind-cutting profile for the radiator that became widely popular at the time. This streamlined shape not only improved aerodynamics but also influenced the design of the car’s V-shaped windscreen, a distinctive and stylish feature of the model. This attention to detail highlighted Bertone’s ability to blend functionality with aesthetics, creating a visually captivating design. Additionally, the SPA 23 featured elegantly flowing mudguards, both front and rear, that resembled the shape of wings. These mudguards were more than just functional; they were an integral part of the overall design, joining the car’s bodywork in a way that gave the vehicle a sense of lightness and grace. The seamless integration of these elements enhanced the side profile, contributing to the SPA 23’s refined and dynamic appearance. The SPA 23 was a remarkable example of automotive design during its era, with Bertone’s contributions helping to elevate its overall presence. By combining performance, elegance, and advanced design, the SPA 23 became a beloved model, embodying the timeless appeal of Italian craftsmanship.
Technical Specifications
Model23 S
Length (mm)N/A
Width (mm)N/A
Height (mm)N/A
Units builtN/A
Engine Type4L
Cylinder CapacityN/A
Number Of DoorsN/A
Six Month RateN/A
Twelve Month RateN/A
Date Of First RegistrationN/A
Year Of ManufactureN/A
CO2 EmissionsN/A
Fuel TypeN/A
Tax StatusN/A
Type ApprovalN/A
Wheel PlanN/A
Revenue WeightN/A
Tax DetailsN/A
Mot DetailsN/A
Cylinder CapacityN/A
Year Of ManufactureN/A
CO2 MissionsN/A
Fuel TypeN/A
Tax StatusN/A
Type ApprovalN/A
Wheel PlanN/A
Revenue WeightN/A
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