The ‘Linea Tesa’ design by Carrozzeria Boneschi
At the turn of the 60s, Carrozzeria Boneschi, together with the designer Rodolfo Bonetto, gave life to a stylistic movement called “Linea Tesa”. As the name suggests, this design style features knife edged lines and clean cuts, in contrast with the trends of the time. This bravery shown by Carrozzeria Boneschi was not rewarded by success, but it was somehow a precursor of the 70s and 80s style.
[…] ein interessantes Cabriolet auf Lancia Flaminia Basis, das von Rodolfo Bonetto entworfen wurde (Link), war ein letzter Versuch noch einmal das Blatt zu wenden. Er scheiterte und Boneschi wandte sich […]